What is new or changed in 2080

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- tiny461 and tiny861 only did set pcie0 when you enable the PCINT because there is just one interrupt in the chip. In 2080, both PCIE0 and PCIE1 are enabled/disabled.

- added m48PB, m88PB, 168PB and m328PB dat files.

- new Rainbow functions : RB_Color and RB_Copy added by Galahat

- simulator did not show maximum values of DWORD correct.

- RB_GETCOLOR and RB_LOOKUPCOLOR functions did return false result when index was a variable.

- some font problems solved.

- simulator could crash for xmega processors.

- when using non-mono font like Arial, text selection does not work properly. Use a font like CONSOLAS.

- Added option 'Use Monofont' for backwards compatibility

- Some new atmel PDF files could not be loaded with the PDF viewer. Viewer is rewritten and requires a new DLL named BASPDF.DLL

- getadc() on m640.m1280/m2560 or any other processor with 6 mux bits did not set mux5 bit for getadc(32) and higher.

- generic byte compare() function added, based on code and idea from MWS. (Magic White Smoke)

- varexist() did not support ALIAS.

- XMega64A1-SRAM 4-Port-Sample.bas sample added for setup EBI 4 port on XMega. See also Adding XRAM to XMEGA using EBI

- when bascom-avr.xml options file exists in the bascom application folder, that option file will be used.

- format is extended to use a variable for the mask.

- config xpin did not support alias for the pin.

- bufspace() did not support UART 5-8

- INSERTCHAR and DELCHAR use Z pointer which must be cleared for XMEGA. fixed in mcs.lib

- programmer did not fetch correct chip from editor when code was not saved. this would give a chip mismatch.

- assigning a negative value to a dword did not throw an error.

- code explorer can show estimated stack usage.

- higher standard baud rates added to terminal emulator

- added support for EDMA in xmega8/16/32 E5. See config EDMA

- version() function did not append to string but would overwrite existing string data.

- right() adds an additional null byte when a numeric constant is used for the number of characters to copy.

- new dim option to specify multiple items : dim a,b,c,d as byte failed when using multiple indexed items.

- all dat files updated with CONFIG information.

- printing values from multi index variables failed : print index(index1,index2)

-  m1284pdef.dat updated with missing TIFR3 register.

- more fonts in various sizes from Adam Siwek.

- power() function for doubles did not work correct when assigned to a function

- some new atmel PDF files can not be loaded with the PDF viewer. Viewer is rewritten.

- SSD1306 i2c oled driver updated for Xmega.

- m649A and m649P dat files added.

- LCDFONT prm, added. prm selects the font table (0-3) of a text LCD.

- CONFIG POWER_REDUCTION set register to 0 in some conditions. Also added LCD and other new Xmega power reduction options.

- CONFIG OSC extended with calibration register settings and DFLL.

- val() for doubles has a bug for XMega >64KB chips

- added flip(byte) function to mirror bits in a byte

- xmega128B3 dat file added

- readsig also works for normal AVR processors.

- inputbin and printbin load 1 element too many with arrays using base 0.

- config inputbin added to allow reading packets of up to 64 KB

- added support for LCD text OLED RS0010 lcd4_anypin_oled_RS0010.lib

- FT81x support added

- M324PB dat file added.

- I2CINIT enhanced for multiple TWI

- I2C_TWI-MULTI.lib added to support multiple TWI busses.

- second SPI on m328PB added : INIT1SPI, SPI1OUT, SPI1MOVE, SPI1IN

-  user donated library I2C DOGS104 driver, SSD1803A included.

- URL2IP(url) function added to W5100 to do DNS lookup using google DNS server

- when defining a const Updateeprom , the eeprom will be updated. which means that the value will only be written when it differs

- BASE64ENC and BASE64DEC can work on byte arrays too.


2017, 2080 release

- SGN extended to byte, integer, word, dword and long

- LOADLABEL assigns a 24 bit address when used with a DWORD

- CTRL+SPACE for code help.