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I2CSTART generates an I2C start condition.

I2CREPSTART generates an I2C repeated start condition.

I2CSTOP generates an I2C stop condition.

I2CRBYTE receives one byte from an I2C-device.

I2CWBYTE sends one byte to an I2C-device.







I2CRBYTE var, ack/nack




Syntax Xmega

I2CSTART #const


I2CSTOP #const

I2CRBYTE var, ack/nack , #const

I2CWBYTE val , #const







A variable that receives the value from the I2C-device.


Specify ACK if there are more bytes to read.


Specify NACK if it is the last byte to read.


A variable or constant to write to the I2C-device.


For the Xmega, a channel constant that was specified with OPEN.


These statements are provided as an addition to the I2CSEND and I2CRECEIVE statements.

While I2csend and I2CRECEIVE are well suited for most tasks, a slave chip might need a special sequence that is not possible with these I2C routines.

Using I2CSTART, I2CWBYTE, I2CRBYTE and I2CSTOP you can create any I2C sequence you need.


When an error occurs, the internal Err variable will return 1. Otherwise it will be set to 0.


The Xmega has multiple TWI interfaces. You can use a channel to specify the TWI interface.

When you do not use a channel the TWIC interface will be used.


notice When using a repeated start, you must use I2CREPSTART on the XMega ! This is also true when using the i2cv2.lib.


Normal AVR processors may use either I2CSTART or I2CREPSTART.


noticeFor Xmega, the I2CSTART does not actually create a bus START signal. This because for Xmega the start is combined with the first data write (the address).

This means that ERR will always return 0 for Xmega I2CSTART. For this reason the bus scanner example checks ERR after the address write.



All I2C statements are master mode statements. They are stored in the i2c.lib. There is also an improved version of this library available named i2cv2.lib

Since the repeated start is not compatible with the one from i2c.lib, you need to specify yourself that you want to use the improved lib. See also I2CV2.



I2CSTOP and Xmega

The I2CSTOP statement on the Xmega can be influenced by defining a constant in your code.

There are two optional constant you can define.


Const _TWI_STOP_1 = 1


Const _TWI_STOP_2 = 1


Notice that the value does not matter ! The library only checks if the constant exists. Also notice that there are 2 different constants.

When not defining any of the above constants, the default will be used as it was in version 2079.

This default will send a stop, then checks if the bus is not in the owner state, and send new stop commands till it becomes in non-owner state.


Some slave chips choke on multiple stop commands. In such a case you can define the constant named _TWI_STOP_2

This will send a stop, and then keep checking till the bus is in non-owner state.


The last mode you get when defining a constant named _TWI_STOP_1

This will only send a stop without checking if the bus is non-owner. This can have advantages. But generating a new I2CSTART could fail since the bus is not in the right mode yet. You should check the ERR variable in such a case after the I2CSTART command.






The I2C routines are located in the i2c.lib/i2c.lbx files. There is also an alternative i2c_twi.lib for when using TWI, and an alternative soft lib named i2cv2.lib

For the XMega, the routines are located in the xmega.lib file.




See also




Example (using Software I2C Routines)

'name                     : i2c.bas
'copyright                : (c) 1995-2021, MCS Electronics
'purpose                  : demo: I2CSEND and I2CRECEIVE
'micro                    : Mega48
'suited for demo          : yes
'commercial addon needed  : no
$regfile = "m48def.dat"                                     ' specify the used micro
$crystal = 4000000                                         ' used crystal frequency
$baud = 19200                                               ' use baud rate
$hwstack = 32                                               ' default use 32 for the hardware stack
$swstack = 20                                               ' default use 10 for the SW stack
$framesize = 40                                             ' default use 40 for the frame space
Config Scl = Portb.4
Config Sda = Portb.5
Declare Sub Write_eeprom(byval Adres As Byte , Byval Value As Byte)
Declare Sub Read_eeprom(byval Adres As Byte , Value As Byte)
Const Addressw = 174                                       'slave write address
Const Addressr = 175                                       'slave read address
Dim B1 As Byte , Adres As Byte , Value As Byte             'dim byte
Call Write_eeprom(1 , 3)                                   'write value of three to address 1 of EEPROM
Call Read_eeprom(1 , Value) : Print Value                   'read it back
Call Read_eeprom(5 , Value) : Print Value                   'again for address 5
'-------- now write to a PCF8474 I/O expander -------
I2csend &H40 , 255                                         'all outputs high
I2creceive &H40 , B1                                       'retrieve input
Print "Received data " ; B1                                 'print it
Rem Note That The Slaveaddress Is Adjusted Automaticly With I2csend & I2creceive
Rem This Means You Can Specify The Baseaddress Of The Chip.
'sample of writing a byte to EEPROM AT2404
Sub Write_eeprom(byval Adres As Byte , Byval Value As Byte)
  I2cstart                                               'start condition
  I2cwbyte Addressw                                       'slave address
  I2cwbyte Adres                                         'asdress of EEPROM
  I2cwbyte Value                                         'value to write
  I2cstop                                                 'stop condition
  Waitms 10                                               'wait for 10 milliseconds
End Sub
'sample of reading a byte from EEPROM AT2404
Sub Read_eeprom(byval Adres As Byte , Value As Byte)
  I2cstart                                                 'generate start
  I2cwbyte Addressw                                       'slave adsress
  I2cwbyte Adres                                           'address of EEPROM
  I2cstart                                                 'repeated start
  I2cwbyte Addressr                                       'slave address (read)
  I2crbyte Value , Nack                                   'read byte
  I2cstop                                                 'generate stop
End Sub
' when you want to control a chip with a larger memory like the 24c64 it requires an additional byte
' to be sent (consult the datasheet):
' Wires from the I2C address that are not connected will default to 0 in most cases!
'   I2cstart                                                'start condition
'   I2cwbyte &B1010_0000                                    'slave address
'   I2cwbyte H                                              'high address
'   I2cwbyte L                                              'low address
'   I2cwbyte Value                                          'value to write
'   I2cstop                                                 'stop condition
'   Waitms 10


Xmega Example

'                  (c) 1995-2021, MCS
'                      xm128-TWI.bas
'  This sample demonstrates the Xmega128A1 TWI
$regfile = "xm128a1def.dat"
$crystal = 32000000
$hwstack = 64
$swstack = 40
$framesize = 40
Dim S As String * 20
Config Osc = Enabled , 32mhzosc = Enabled
Config Sysclock = 32mhz , Prescalea = 1 , Prescalebc = 1_1
Dim N As String * 16 , B As Byte
Config Com1 = 19200 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8
Config Input1 = Cr , Echo = Crlf                           ' CR is used for input, we echo back CR and LF
Open "COM1:" For Binary As #1
'       ^^^^ change from COM1-COM8
Print #1 , "Xmega revision:" ; Mcu_revid                   ' make sure it is 7 or higher !!! lower revs have many flaws
Const Usechannel = 1
Dim B1 As Byte , B2 As Byte
Dim W As Word At B1 Overlay
Open "twic" For Binary As #4                               ' Use TWI on Port C
'you can also use TWIC, TWID, TWIE of TWIF    
Config Twi = 100000                                         ' 100KHz
#if Usechannel = 1
  I2cinit #4
Waitms 20
I2cwbyte &H70                                             ' slave address write
Waitms 20
I2cwbyte &B10101010                                       ' write command
Waitms 20
I2cwbyte 2
Waitms 20
Print "Error : " ; Err                                   ' show error status
'waitms 50
Print "start"
Print "Error : " ; Err                                   ' show error
I2cwbyte &H71
Print "Error : " ; Err                                   ' show error
I2crbyte B1 , Ack
Print "Error : " ; Err                                   ' show error
I2crbyte B2 , Nack
Print "Error : " ; Err                                   ' show error
Print "received A/D : " ; W ; "-" ; B1 ; "-" ; B2
Waitms 500                                               'wait a bit
Dim J As Byte , C As Byte , K As Byte
Dim Twi_start As Byte                                       ' you MUST dim this variable since it is used by the lib
'determine if we have an i2c slave on the bus
For J = 0 To 200 Step 2
Print J
#if Usechannel = 1
  I2cstart #4
  I2cwbyte J
  If Err = 0 Then                                         ' no errors
    Print "FOUND : " ; Hex(j)
    'write some value to the pcf8574A
    #if Usechannel = 1
        I2cwbyte &B1100_0101 , #4
        I2cwbyte &B1100_0101
    Print Err
    Exit For
  End If
  #if Usechannel = 1
      I2cstop #4
#if Usechannel = 1
  I2cstop #4
#if Usechannel = 1
I2cstart #4
I2cwbyte &H71 , #4                                       ' read address
I2crbyte J , Ack , #4
Print Bin(j) ; " err:" ; Err
I2crbyte J , Ack , #4
Print Bin(j) ; " err:" ; Err
I2crbyte J , Nack , #4
Print Bin(j) ; " err:" ; Err
I2cstop #4
I2cwbyte &H71                                             ' read address
I2crbyte J , Ack
Print Bin(j) ; " err:" ; Err
I2crbyte J , Ack
Print Bin(j) ; " err:" ; Err
I2crbyte J , Nack
Print Bin(j) ; " err:" ; Err
'try a transaction
#if Usechannel = 1
I2csend &H70 , 255 , #4                                   ' all 1
Waitms 1000
I2csend &H70 , 0 , #4                                     ' all 0
I2csend &H70 , 255
Waitms 1000
I2csend &H70 , 0
Print Err
'read transaction
Dim Var As Byte
Var = &B11111111
#if Usechannel = 1
I2creceive &H70 , Var , 1 , 1 , #4                       ' send and receive
Print Bin(var) ; "-" ; Err
I2creceive &H70 , Var , 0 , 1 , #4                       ' just receive
Print Bin(var) ; "-" ; Err
I2creceive &H70 , Var , 1 , 1                             ' send and receive
Print Bin(var) ; "-" ; Err
I2creceive &H70 , Var , 0 , 1                             ' just receive
Print Bin(var) ; "-" ; Err