Overrides the SCL pin assignment from the Option Compiler Settings.
Pin |
The port pin to which the I2C-SCL line is connected. |
When you use different pins in different projects, you can use this statement to override the Options Compiler setting for the SCL pin. This way you will remember which pin you used because it is in your code and you do not have to change the settings from the options. Of course BASCOM-AVR also stores the settings in a project.CFG file.
When using the Hardware TWI, you only need CONFIG SCL when you use the I2CINIT statement
See also
CONFIG SDA , CONFIG I2CDELAY , I2CINIT, Using the I2C protocol
Example 1
CONFIG SCL = PORTB.5 'PORTB.5 is the SCL line
Example 2
'name : i2c.bas
'copyright : (c) 1995-2021, MCS Electronics
'purpose : demo: I2CSEND and I2CRECEIVE
'micro : Mega48
'suited for demo : yes
'commercial addon needed : no
$regfile = "m48def.dat" ' specify the used micro
$crystal = 4000000 ' used crystal frequency
$baud = 19200 ' use baud rate
$hwstack = 32 ' default use 32 for the hardware stack
$swstack = 10 ' default use 10 for the SW stack
$framesize = 40 ' default use 40 for the frame space
'We use here the Software I2C Routines
Config Scl = Portb.4
Config Sda = Portb.5
Config I2cdelay = 10 '100KHz
Declare Sub Write_eeprom(byval Adres As Byte , Byval Value As Byte)
Declare Sub Read_eeprom(byval Adres As Byte , Value As Byte)
Const Addressw = 174 'slave write address
Const Addressr = 175 'slave read address
Dim B1 As Byte , Adres As Byte , Value As Byte 'dim byte
Call Write_eeprom(1 , 3) 'write value of three to address 1 of EEPROM
Call Read_eeprom(1 , Value) : Print Value 'read it back
Call Read_eeprom(5 , Value) : Print Value 'again for address 5
'-------- now write to a PCF8474 I/O expander -------
I2csend &H40 , 255 'all outputs high
I2creceive &H40 , B1 'retrieve input
Print "Received data " ; B1 'print it
Rem Note That The Slaveaddress Is Adjusted Automaticly With I2csend & I2creceive
Rem This Means You Can Specify The Baseaddress Of The Chip.
'sample of writing a byte to EEPROM AT2404
Sub Write_eeprom(byval Adres As Byte , Byval Value As Byte)
I2cstart 'start condition
I2cwbyte Addressw 'slave address
I2cwbyte Adres 'asdress of EEPROM
I2cwbyte Value 'value to write
I2cstop 'stop condition
Waitms 10 'wait for 10 milliseconds
End Sub
'sample of reading a byte from EEPROM AT2404
Sub Read_eeprom(byval Adres As Byte , Value As Byte)
I2cstart 'generate start
I2cwbyte Addressw 'slave adsress
I2cwbyte Adres 'address of EEPROM
I2cstart 'repeated start
I2cwbyte Addressr 'slave address (read)
I2crbyte Value , Nack 'read byte
I2cstop 'generate stop
End Sub
' when you want to control a chip with a larger memory like the 24c64 it requires an additional byte
' to be sent (consult the datasheet):
' Wires from the I2C address that are not connected will default to 0 in most cases!
' I2cstart 'start condition
' I2cwbyte &B1010_0000 'slave address
' I2cwbyte H 'high address
' I2cwbyte L 'low address
' I2cwbyte Value 'value to write
' I2cstop 'stop condition
' Waitms 10