LCD RGB-8 Converter

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This tool is intended to convert normal bitmaps into BGC files.

The BGC format is the Bascom Graphic Color Format.

This is a special RLE compressed format to save space.


The SHOWPIC statement can display graphic bitmaps.

The color display uses a special RGB8 format.

The LCD converter has the task to convert a normal windows bitmap into a 256-color RGB8 coded format.


When you run the tool you will see the following window :




You can use File , Open, to load an image from disk.

Or you can use Edit, Paste, to paste an image from the clipboard.




File, Open

Open a graphical file from disk.

File, Save, Image

Save the file as a windows graphical file

File, Save, Binary

Save the BGC file, the file you need with SHOWPIC

File, Save , Data Lines

Save the file as data lines into a text file

File, Convert

Converts the bitmap into a RGB8 bitmap

Edit, Bitmap height

height of the image. Change it to make the image smaller or larger

Edit, Bitmap width

width of the image. Change it to make the image wider.

Edit, Select All

Select entire image

Edit, Copy

Copy selection to the clipboard

Edit, Paste

Paste clipboard to the selection. You must have an area selected !

Edit, Delete

Delete the selected area


The Output TAB, has an option : Save as RLE. This must be checked. By default it is checked.

When you do not want the image to be RLE encoded, you can uncheck this option.


The bottom area is used to store the DATA lines.


The Color TAB shows the effect on the table inside the color display.

When a picture uses a lot of different red colors, you can put the most used into the table.

It is well explained in the manuals from display3000.


By clicking on the color , you can view which colors are used by the picture.

You can match them with the color table.


You can download the LCD Converter tool from :