Returns a time-value (String or 3 Byte for Second, Minute and Hour) depending of the Type of the Target
bSecMinHour = Time(lSecOfDay)
bSecMinHour = Time(lSysSec)
bSecMinHour = Time(strTime)
strTime = Time(lSecOfDay)
strTime = Time(lSysSec)
strTime = Time(bSecMinHour)
bSecMinHour |
A BYTE – variable, which holds the Second-value followed by Minute (Byte) and Hour (Byte) |
strTime |
A Time – String in Format „hh:mm:ss" |
lSecOfDay |
A LONG – variable which holds Second Of Day (SecOfDay) |
lSysSec |
A LONG – variable which holds System Second (SysSec) |
Converting to a time-string:
The target string strTime must have a length of at least 8 Bytes, otherwise SRAM after the target-string will be overwritten.
Converting to Softclock format (3 Bytes for Second, Minute and Hour):
Three Bytes for Seconds, Minutes and Hour must follow each other in SRAM. The variable-name of the first Byte, that one for Second must be passed to the function.
Time not to be confused with Time$ !
See also
Date and Time Routines , SECOFDAY, SYSSEC
Partial Example
Enable Interrupts
Config Clock = Soft
Dim Strtime As String * 8
Dim Bsec As Byte , Bmin As Byte AT Bsec + 1 , Bhour As Byte AT Bmin +1
Dim Lsecofday As Long
Dim Lsyssec As Long
' Example 1: Converting defined Clock - Bytes (Second / Minute / Hour) to Time - String
Bsec = 20 : Bmin = 1 : Bhour = 7
Strtime = Time(bsec)
Print "Time values: Sec=" ; Bsec ; " Min=" ; Bmin ; " Hour=" ; Bhour ; " converted to string " ; Strtime
' Time values: Sec=20 Min=1 Hour=7 converted to string 07:01:20
' Example 2: Converting System Second to Time - String
Lsyssec = 123456789
Strtime = Time(lsyssec)
Print "Time of Systemsecond " ; Lsyssec ; " is " ; Strtime
' Time of Systemsecond 123456789 is 21:33:09
' Example 3: Converting Second of Day to Time - String
Lsecofday = 12345
Strtime = Time(lsecofday)
Print "Time of Second of Day " ; Lsecofday ; " is " ; Strtime
' Time of Second of Day 12345 is 03:25:45
' Example 4: Converting System Second to defined Clock - Bytes (Second / Minute / Hour)
Lsyssec = 123456789
Bsec = Time(lsyssec)
Print "System Second " ; Lsyssec ; " converted to Sec=" ; Bsec ; " Min=" ; Bmin ; " Hour=" ; Bhour
' System Second 123456789 converted to Sec=9 Min=33 Hour=21
' Example 4: Converting Second of Day to defined Clock - Bytes (Second / Minute / Hour)
Lsecofday = 12345
Bsec = Time(lsecofday)
Print "Second of Day " ; Lsecofday ; " converted to Sec=" ; Bsec ; " Min=" ; Bmin ; " Hour=" ; Bhour
' Second of Day 12345 converted to Sec=45 Min=25 Hour=3