Sends a string to an open socket connection.
Result = TCPWRITESTR( socket , var , param)
Result |
A word variable that will be assigned with the number of bytes actually written to the socket.
When the free transmission buffer is large enough to accept all the data, the result will be the same as BYTES. When there is not enough space, the number of written bytes will be returned.
When there is no space, 0 will be returned. |
Socket |
The socket number you want to send data to (0-3). 0-7 for W5200/W5300. |
Var |
The name of a string variable. |
Param |
A parameter that might be 0 to send only the string or 255, to send the string with an additional CR + LF
This option was added because many protocols expect CR + LF at the end of the string. |
The TCPwriteStr function is a special variant of the TCPwrite function.
It will use TCPWrite to send the data.
See also
' (c) 2002 MCS Electronics
' sample that show how to send an email with SMTP protocol
$regfile = "m161def.dat" ' used processor
$crystal = 4000000 ' used crystal
$baud = 19200 ' baud rate
Const Debug = -1 ' for sending feeback to the terminal
#if Debug
Print "Start of SMTP demo"
Enable Interrupts ' enable interrupts
'specify MAC, IP, submask and gateway
'local port value will be used when you do not specify a port value while creating a connection
'TX and RX are setup to use 4 connections each with a 2KB buffer
Config Tcpip = Int0 , Mac = , Ip = , Submask = , Gateway = , Localport = 1000 , Tx = $55 , Rx = $55
'dim the used variables
Dim S As String * 50 , I As Byte , J As Byte , Tempw As Word
#if Debug
Print "setup of W3100A complete"
'First we need a socket
I = Getsocket(0 , Sock_stream , 5000 , 0)
' ^ socket numer ^ port
#if Debug
Print "Socket : " ; I
'the socket must return the asked socket number. It returns 255 if there was an error
If I = 0 Then ' all ok
'connect to smtp server
J = Socketconnect(i , 194.09.0. , 25) ' smtp server and SMTP port 25
' ^socket
' ^ ip address of the smtp server
' ^ port 25 for smtp
' DO NOT FORGET to ENTER a valid IP number of your ISP smtp server
#if Debug
Print "Connection : " ; J
Print S_status(1)
If J = 0 Then ' all ok
#if Debug
Print "Connected"
Tempw = Socketstat(i , 0) ' get status
Select Case Tempw
Case Sock_established ' connection established
Tempw = Tcpread(i , S) ' read line
#if Debug
Print S ' show info from smtp server
If Left(s , 3) = "220" Then ' ok
Tempw = Tcpwrite(i , "HELO username{013}{010}" ) ' send username
' ^^^ fill in username there
#if Debug
Print Tempw ; " bytes written" ' number of bytes actual send
Tempw = Tcpread(i , S) ' get response
#if Debug
Print S ' show response
If Left(s , 3) = "250" Then ' ok
Tempw = Tcpwrite(i , "MAIL FROM:<>{013}{010}") ' send from address
Tempw = Tcpread(i , S) ' get response
#if Debug
Print S
If Left(s , 3) = "250" Then ' ok
Tempw = Tcpwrite(i , "RCPT TO:<>{013}{010}") ' send TO address
Tempw = Tcpread(i , S) ' get response
#if Debug
Print S
If Left(s , 3) = "250" Then ' ok
Tempw = Tcpwrite(i , "DATA{013}{010}") ' speicfy that we are going to send data
Tempw = Tcpread(i , S) ' get response
#if Debug
Print S
If Left(s , 3) = "354" Then ' ok
Tempw = Tcpwrite(i , "From:{013}{010}")
Tempw = Tcpwrite(i , "To:{013}{010}")
Tempw = Tcpwrite(i , "Subject: BASCOM SMTP test{013}{010}")
Tempw = Tcpwrite(i , "X-Mailer: BASCOM SMTP{013}{010}")
Tempw = Tcpwrite(i , "{013}{010}")
Tempw = Tcpwrite(i , "This is a test email from BASCOM SMTP{013}{010}")
Tempw = Tcpwrite(i , "Add more lines as needed{013}{010}")
Tempw = Tcpwrite(i , ".{013}{010}") ' end with a single dot
Tempw = Tcpread(i , S) ' get response
#if Debug
Print S
If Left(s , 3) = "250" Then ' ok
Tempw = Tcpwrite(i , "QUIT{013}{010}") ' quit connection
Tempw = Tcpread(i , S)
#if Debug
Print S
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Case Sock_close_wait
Closesocket I ' close the connection
Case Sock_closed
Print "Socket CLOSED" ' socket is closed
End Select
End If
End If
End 'end program