Configures socket RAW-mode protocol
SETIPPROTOCOL socket, value
Socket |
The socket number. (0-3) |
Value |
The IP-protocol value to set. |
In order to use W3100A’s IPL_RAW Mode, the protocol value of the IP Layer to be used (e.g., 01 in case
of ICMP) needs to be set before socket initialization.
As in UDP, data transmission and reception is possible when the corresponding channel is initialized.
The PING example demonstrates the usage.
As a first step, SETIPPROTOCOL is used :
Setipprotocol Idx , 1
And second, the socket is initialized :
Idx = Getsocket(idx , 3 , 5000 , 0)
The W3100A data sheet does not provide much more details about the IPR register.
See also
'name : PING_TWI.bas
'copyright : (c) 1995-2021, MCS Electronics
'purpose : Simple PING program
'micro : Mega88
'suited for demo : yes
'commercial addon needed : no
$regfile = "m32def.dat" ' specify the used micro
$crystal = 8000000 ' used crystal frequency
$baud = 19200 ' use baud rate
$hwstack = 80 ' default use 32 for the hardware stack
$swstack = 128 ' default use 10 for the SW stack
$framesize = 80 ' default use 40 for the frame space
Const Debug = 1
Const Sock_stream = $01 ' Tcp
Const Sock_dgram = $02 ' Udp
Const Sock_ipl_raw = $03 ' Ip Layer Raw Sock
Const Sock_macl_raw = $04 ' Mac Layer Raw Sock
Const Sel_control = 0 ' Confirm Socket Status
Const Sel_send = 1 ' Confirm Tx Free Buffer Size
Const Sel_recv = 2 ' Confirm Rx Data Size
'socket status
Const Sock_closed = $00 ' Status Of Connection Closed
Const Sock_arp = $01 ' Status Of Arp
Const Sock_listen = $02 ' Status Of Waiting For Tcp Connection Setup
Const Sock_synsent = $03 ' Status Of Setting Up Tcp Connection
Const Sock_synsent_ack = $04 ' Status Of Setting Up Tcp Connection
Const Sock_synrecv = $05 ' Status Of Setting Up Tcp Connection
Const Sock_established = $06 ' Status Of Tcp Connection Established
Const Sock_close_wait = $07 ' Status Of Closing Tcp Connection
Const Sock_last_ack = $08 ' Status Of Closing Tcp Connection
Const Sock_fin_wait1 = $09 ' Status Of Closing Tcp Connection
Const Sock_fin_wait2 = $0a ' Status Of Closing Tcp Connection
Const Sock_closing = $0b ' Status Of Closing Tcp Connection
Const Sock_time_wait = $0c ' Status Of Closing Tcp Connection
Const Sock_reset = $0d ' Status Of Closing Tcp Connection
Const Sock_init = $0e ' Status Of Socket Initialization
Const Sock_udp = $0f ' Status Of Udp
Const Sock_raw = $10 ' Status of IP RAW
'we do the usual
Print "Init TCP" ' display a message
Enable Interrupts ' before we use config tcpip , we need to enable the interrupts
Config Tcpip = Int0 , Mac = , Ip = , Submask = , Gateway = , Localport = 1000 , Tx = $55 , Rx = $55 , Twi = &H80 , Clock = 400000
Print "Init done"
Dim Peersize As Integer , Peeraddress As Long , Peerport As Word
Dim Idx As Byte , Result As Word , J As Byte , Res As Byte
Dim Ip As Long
Dim Dta(12) As Byte , Rec(12) As Byte
Dta(1) = 8 'type is echo
Dta(2) = 0 'code
Dta(3) = 0 ' for checksum initialization
Dta(4) = 0 ' checksum
Dta(5) = 0 ' a signature can be any number
Dta(6) = 1 ' signature
Dta(7) = 0 ' sequence number - any number
Dta(8) = 1
Dta(9) = 65
Dim W As Word At Dta + 2 Overlay 'same as dta(3) and dta(4)
W = Tcpchecksum(dta(1) , 9) ' calculate checksum and store in dta(3) and dta(4)
#if Debug
For J = 1 To 9
Print Dta(j)
Ip = Maketcp( 'try to check this server
Print "Socket " ; Idx ; " " ; Idx
Setipprotocol Idx , 1 'set protocol to 1
'the protocol value must be set BEFORE the socket is openend
Idx = Getsocket(idx , 3 , 5000 , 0)
Result = Udpwrite(ip , 7 , Idx , Dta(1) , 9) 'write ping data '
Print Result
Waitms 100
Result = Socketstat(idx , Sel_recv) 'check for data
Print Result
If Result >= 11 Then
Print "Ok"
Res = Tcpread(idx , Rec(1) , Result) 'get data with TCPREAD !!!
#if Debug
Print "DATA RETURNED :" ; Res '
For J = 1 To Result
Print Rec(j) ; " " ;
Else 'there might be a problem
Print "Network not available"
End If
Waitms 1000