Sets or resets a single pixel.
PSET X , Y, value
X |
The X location of the pixel. In range from 0-239. |
Y |
The Y location of the pixel. In range from 0-63. |
value |
The value for the pixel. 0 will clear the pixel. 1 Will set the pixel. |
The PSET is handy to create a simple data logger or oscilloscope.
See also
'name : t6963_240_128.bas
'copyright : (c) 1995-2021, MCS Electronics
'purpose : T6963C graphic display support demo 240 * 128
'micro : Mega8535
'suited for demo : yes
'commercial addon needed : no
$regfile = "m8535.dat" ' specify the used micro
$crystal = 8000000 ' used crystal frequency
$baud = 19200 ' use baud rate
$hwstack = 32 ' default use 32 for the hardware stack
$swstack = 10 ' default use 10 for the SW stack
$framesize = 40 ' default use 40 for the frame space
' (c) 2001-2003 MCS Electronics
' T6963C graphic display support demo 240 * 128
'The connections of the LCD used in this demo
'LCD pin connected to
'3 +5V +5V
'4 -9V -9V potmeter
'5 /WR PORTC.0
'6 /RD PORTC.1
'7 /CE PORTC.2
'8 C/D PORTC.3
'9 NC not conneted
'11-18 D0-D7 PA
'19 FS PORTC.5
'20 NC not connected
'First we define that we use a graphic LCD
' Only 240*64 supported yet
Config Graphlcd = 240 * 128 , Dataport = Porta , Controlport = Portc , Ce = 2 , Cd = 3 , Wr = 0 , Rd = 1 , Reset = 4 , Fs = 5 , Mode = 8
'The dataport is the portname that is connected to the data lines of the LCD
'The controlport is the portname which pins are used to control the lcd
'CE, CD etc. are the pin number of the CONTROLPORT.
' For example CE =2 because it is connected to PORTC.2
'mode 8 gives 240 / 8 = 30 columns , mode=6 gives 240 / 6 = 40 columns
'Dim variables (y not used)
Dim X As Byte , Y As Byte
'Clear the screen will both clear text and graph display
'Other options are :
' CLS TEXT to clear only the text display
' CLS GRAPH to clear only the graphical part
Cursor Off
Wait 1
'locate works like the normal LCD locate statement
' LOCATE LINE,COLUMN LINE can be 1-8 and column 0-30
Locate 1 , 1
'Show some text
Lcd "MCS Electronics"
'And some othe text on line 2
Locate 2 , 1 : Lcd "T6963c support"
Locate 3 , 1 : Lcd "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
Locate 16 , 1 : Lcd "write this to the lower line"
Wait 2
Cls Text
'use the new LINE statement to create a box
'LINE(X0,Y0) - (X1,Y1), on/off
Line(0 , 0) -(239 , 127) , 255 ' diagonal line
Line(0 , 127) -(239 , 0) , 255 ' diagonal line
Line(0 , 0) -(240 , 0) , 255 ' horizontal upper line
Line(0 , 127) -(239 , 127) , 255 'horizontal lower line
Line(0 , 0) -(0 , 127) , 255 ' vertical left line
Line(239 , 0) -(239 , 127) , 255 ' vertical right line
Wait 2
' draw a line using PSET X,Y, ON/OFF
' PSET param is 0 to clear a pixel and any other value to turn it on
For X = 0 To 140
Pset X , 20 , 255 ' set the pixel
For X = 0 To 140
Pset X , 127 , 255 ' set the pixel
Wait 2
'circle time
'circle(X,Y), radius, color
'X,y is the middle of the circle,color must be 255 to show a pixel and 0 to clear a pixel
For X = 1 To 10
Circle(20 , 20) , X , 255 ' show circle
Wait 1
Circle(20 , 20) , X , 0 'remove circle
Wait 1
Wait 2
For X = 1 To 10
Circle(20 , 20) , X , 255 ' show circle
Waitms 200
Wait 2
'Now it is time to show a picture
'SHOWPIC X,Y,label
'The label points to a label that holds the image data
Showpic 0 , 0 , Plaatje
Showpic 0 , 64 , Plaatje ' show 2 since we have a big display
Wait 2
Cls Text ' clear the text
'This label holds the mage data
'$BGF will put the bitmap into the program at this location
$bgf "mcs.bgf"
'You could insert other picture data here