Options Compiler Chip

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The following options are available:



Options Compiler Chip




Selects the target chip. Each chip has a corresponding x.DAT file with specifications of the chip. Note that some DAT files are not available yet.


Selects the size of the external RAM. KB means Kilo Bytes.


For 32 KB you need a 62256 STATIC RAM chip.

HW Stack

The amount of bytes available for the hardware stack. When you use GOSUB or CALL, you are using 2 bytes of HW stack space.


When you nest 2 GOSUB’s you are using 4 bytes (2*2). Most statements need HW stack too. An interrupt needs 32 bytes.

Soft Stack

Specifies the size of the software stack.


Each local variable uses 2 bytes. Each variable that is passed to a sub program uses 2 bytes too. So when you have used 10 locals in a SUB and the SUB passes 3 parameters, you need 13 * 2 = 26 bytes.

Frame size

Specifies the size of the frame.


Each local variable is stored in a space that is named the frame space.

When you have 2 local integers and a string with a length of 10, you need a frame size of (2*2) + 11 = 15 bytes.

The internal conversion routines used when you use INPUT num, or STR(), or VAL(), etc, also use the frame. They need a maximum of 16 bytes. So for this example 15+16 = 31 would be a good value.

XRAM wait state

Select to insert a wait state for the external RAM.

External Access enable

Select this option to allow external access of the micro. The 8515 for example can use port A and C to control a RAM chip. This is almost always selected if XRAM is used



Press or click this button to use the current Compiler Chip settings as default for all new projects.