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This LCD driver is intended to be used with the OLED LCD RS0010.


This LCD text driver can be used with any pin. It supports the WR pin in which case the LCD will be used in busy mode.


A typical sample is shown below.



$regfile = "m88def.dat"
$crystal = 8000000
$baud = 19200
$swstack = 16
$lib "lcd4_anypin_oled_RS0010.lib"                         'override default lib with OLED lib
'Config Lcd Sets The Portpins Of The Lcd
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portb.2 , Db5 = Portb.3 , Db6 = Portb.4 , Db7 = Portb.5 , E = Portb.1 , Rs = Portb.0
Config Lcd = 16x2                                           '16*2 type LCD screen
Dim V As Byte
Lcd "ABC" ; Chr(253)
Lcd "test"
Const Test = " this is a test"                             ' Just  A Test
Lcdfont 0                                                   'select first font
Dim X As Byte , Y As Byte
X = &B1000_0000 + 0
Lcdcmd &B0001_1111                                         'gmode
Lcdcmd X                                                   'X  (0-99)
Lcdcmd &B0100_0000                                         'Y  (0-1)
'send data
For V = 1 To 80
  Lcddata &B10101010
  Waitms 100