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Initializes the LCD display.








The LCD display is initialized automatic at start up when LCD statements are used by your code.

This is done by a call to _LCD_INIT.

If you include the INITLCD statement in your code, the automatic call is disabled and the _LCD_INIT is called at the place in your code where you put the INITLCD statement. (initlcd is translated into a call to _init_lcd).


Why is this useful?

In an environments with static electricity, the display can give strange output.

You can initialize the display then once in a while. When the display is initialized, the display content is cleared also.

The LCD routines depend on the fact that the WR pin of the LCD is connected to ground. But when you connect it to a port pin, you must first set the logic level to 0 and after that you can initialize the display by using INITLCD
Xmega chips need a stable oscillator. This is done with some CONFIG statements. The INITLCD should be placed after these commands. And since the Xmega by default has a slow internal oscillator, without using INITLCD at the proper location, your application would start slow. See the explanation below.
So in short you have more control when the LCD is initialized.


noticeThe CONFIG LCDPIN has an option to use the WR pin, and use the busy flag of the display. If you have enough pins, this is the best mode.


noticeThe XMEGA has a built in internal oscillator that runs at a relative slow speed. If your code sets the speed to 32 MHz and you also include the $crystal=32000000 directive, you will notice a delay in the start of the code. This is caused by the fact that the delay routines are calculated with the 32 Mhz frequency, but the actual oscillator speed is 1 or 2 MHz.

There are 2 solutions possible.

- you can use $crystal=1000000 and then after you have set up the clock speed with CONFIG OSC, you can use another $CRYSTAL directive with the new speed.

- you use $INITMICRO and put the CONFIG OSC in the _INIT_MICRO code. This will ensure that the micro will run at the specified speed early as possible.




The generated ASM code :

Rcall _Init_LCD



See also



