Returns the Day of the Week of a Date.
Target = DayOfWeek()
Target = DayOfWeek(bDayMonthYear)
Target = DayOfWeek(strDate)
Target = DayOfWeek(wSysDay)
Target = DayOfWeek(lSysSec)
Target |
A Byte – variable, that is assigned with the day of the week |
BDayMonthYear |
A Byte – variable, which holds the Day-value followed by Month(Byte) and Year (Byte) |
StrDate |
A String, which holds a Date-String in the format specified in the CONFIG DATE statement |
WSysDay |
A Word – variable, which holds the System Day (SysDay) |
LSysSec |
A Long – variable, which holds the System Second (SysSec) |
The Function can be used with five different kind of Input:
1. | Without any parameter. The internal Date-values of SOFTCLOCK (_day, _month, _year) are used. |
2. | With a user defined date array. It must be arranged in same way (Day, Month, Year) as the internal SOFTCLOCK date. The first Byte (Day) is the input by this kind of usage. So the Day of the Week can be calculated of every date. |
3. | With a Date-String. The date-string must be in the Format specified in the Config Date Statement |
4. | With a System Day – Number. |
5. | With a System Second - Number |
The Return-Value is in the range of 0 to 6, Monday starts with 0.
The Function is valid in the 21th century (from 2000-01-01 to 2099-12-31).
See Also
'name : datetime_test1,bas
'copyright : (c) 1995-2021, MCS Electronics
'purpose : show how to use the Date-Time routines from the DateTime.Lib
'micro : Mega103
'suited for demo : no
'commercial addon needed : no
$regfile = "m103def.dat" ' specify the used micro
$crystal = 4000000 ' used crystal frequency
$baud = 19200 ' use baud rate
$hwstack = 32 ' default use 32 for the hardware stack
$swstack = 10 ' default use 10 for the SW stack
$framesize = 40 ' default use 40 for the frame space
Const Clockmode = 1
'use i2c for the clock
#if Clockmode = 1
Config Clock = Soft ' we use build in clock
Disable Interrupts
Config Clock = User ' we use I2C for the clock
'configure the scl and sda pins
Config Sda = Portd.6
Config Scl = Portd.5
'address of ds1307
Const Ds1307w = &HD0 ' Addresses of Ds1307 clock
Const Ds1307r = &HD1
'configure the date format
Config Date = Ymd , Separator = - ' ANSI-Format
'This sample does not have the clock started so interrupts are not enabled
' Enable Interrupts
'dim the used variables
Dim Lvar1 As Long
Dim Mday As Byte
Dim Bweekday As Byte , Strweekday As String * 10
Dim Strdate As String * 8
Dim Strtime As String * 8
Dim Bsec As Byte , Bmin As Byte , Bhour As Byte
Dim Bday As Byte , Bmonth As Byte , Byear As Byte
Dim Lsecofday As Long
Dim Wsysday As Word
Dim Lsyssec As Long
Dim Wdayofyear As Word
' =================== DayOfWeek =============================================
' Example 1 with internal RTC-Clock
_day = 4 : _month = 11 : _year = 2 ' Load RTC-Clock for example - testing
Bweekday = Dayofweek()
Strweekday = Lookupstr(bweekday , Weekdays)
Print "Weekday-Number of " ; Date$ ; " is " ; Bweekday ; " = " ; Strweekday
' Example 2 with defined Clock - Bytes (Day / Month / Year)
Bday = 26 : Bmonth = 11 : Byear = 2
Bweekday = Dayofweek(bday)
Strweekday = Lookupstr(bweekday , Weekdays)
Strdate = Date(bday)
Print "Weekday-Number of Day=" ; Bday ; " Month=" ; Bmonth ; " Year=" ; Byear ; " is " ; Bweekday ; " (" ; Date(bday) ; ") = " ; Strweekday
' Example 3 with System Day
Wsysday = 2000 ' that is 2005-06-23
Bweekday = Dayofweek(wsysday)
Strweekday = Lookupstr(bweekday , Weekdays)
Print "Weekday-Number of System Day " ; Wsysday ; " (" ; Date(wsysday) ; ") is " ; Bweekday ; " = " ; Strweekday
' Example 4 with System Second
Lsyssec = 123456789 ' that is 2003-11-29 at 21:33:09
Bweekday = Dayofweek(lsyssec)
Strweekday = Lookupstr(bweekday , Weekdays)
Print "Weekday-Number of System Second " ; Lsyssec ; " (" ; Date(lsyssec) ; ") is " ; Bweekday ; " = " ; Strweekday
' Example 5 with Date-String
Strdate = "04-11-02" ' we have configured Date in ANSI
Bweekday = Dayofweek(strdate)
Strweekday = Lookupstr(bweekday , Weekdays)
Print "Weekday-Number of " ; Strdate ; " is " ; Bweekday ; " = " ; Strweekday
' ================= Second of Day =============================================
' Example 1 with internal RTC-Clock
_sec = 12 : _min = 30 : _hour = 18 ' Load RTC-Clock for example - testing
Lsecofday = Secofday()
Print "Second of Day of " ; Time$ ; " is " ; Lsecofday
' Example 2 with defined Clock - Bytes (Second / Minute / Hour)
Bsec = 20 : Bmin = 1 : Bhour = 7
Lsecofday = Secofday(bsec)
Print "Second of Day of Sec=" ; Bsec ; " Min=" ; Bmin ; " Hour=" ; Bhour ; " (" ; Time(bsec) ; ") is " ; Lsecofday
' Example 3 with System Second
Lsyssec = 1234456789
Lsecofday = Secofday(lsyssec)
Print "Second of Day of System Second " ; Lsyssec ; "(" ; Time(lsyssec) ; ") is " ; Lsecofday
' Example 4 with Time - String
Strtime = "04:58:37"
Lsecofday = Secofday(strtime)
Print "Second of Day of " ; Strtime ; " is " ; Lsecofday
' ================== System Second ============================================
' Example 1 with internal RTC-Clock
' Load RTC-Clock for example - testing
_sec = 17 : _min = 35 : _hour = 8 : _day = 16 : _month = 4 : _year = 3
Lsyssec = Syssec()
Print "System Second of " ; Time$ ; " at " ; Date$ ; " is " ; Lsyssec
' Example 2 with with defined Clock - Bytes (Second, Minute, Hour, Day / Month / Year)
Bsec = 20 : Bmin = 1 : Bhour = 7 : Bday = 22 : Bmonth = 12 : Byear = 1
Lsyssec = Syssec(bsec)
Strtime = Time(bsec)
Strdate = Date(bday)
Print "System Second of " ; Strtime ; " at " ; Strdate ; " is " ; Lsyssec
' Example 3 with System Day
Wsysday = 2000
Lsyssec = Syssec(wsysday)
Print "System Second of System Day " ; Wsysday ; " (" ; Date(wsysday) ; " 00:00:00) is " ; Lsyssec
' Example 4 with Time and Date String
Strtime = "10:23:50"
Strdate = "02-11-29" ' ANSI-Date
Lsyssec = Syssec(strtime , Strdate)
Print "System Second of " ; Strtime ; " at " ; Strdate ; " is " ; Lsyssec ' 91880630
' ==================== Day Of Year =========================================
' Example 1 with internal RTC-Clock
_day = 20 : _month = 11 : _year = 2 ' Load RTC-Clock for example - testing
Wdayofyear = Dayofyear()
Print "Day Of Year of " ; Date$ ; " is " ; Wdayofyear
' Example 2 with defined Clock - Bytes (Day / Month / Year)
Bday = 24 : Bmonth = 5 : Byear = 8
Wdayofyear = Dayofyear(bday)
Print "Day Of Year of Day=" ; Bday ; " Month=" ; Bmonth ; " Year=" ; Byear ; " (" ; Date(bday) ; ") is " ; Wdayofyear
' Example 3 with Date - String
Strdate = "04-10-29" ' we have configured ANSI Format
Wdayofyear = Dayofyear(strdate)
Print "Day Of Year of " ; Strdate ; " is " ; Wdayofyear
' Example 4 with System Second
Lsyssec = 123456789
Wdayofyear = Dayofyear(lsyssec)
Print "Day Of Year of System Second " ; Lsyssec ; " (" ; Date(lsyssec) ; ") is " ; Wdayofyear
' Example 5 with System Day
Wsysday = 3000
Wdayofyear = Dayofyear(wsysday)
Print "Day Of Year of System Day " ; Wsysday ; " (" ; Date(wsysday) ; ") is " ; Wdayofyear
' =================== System Day ======================================
' Example 1 with internal RTC-Clock
_day = 20 : _month = 11 : _year = 2 ' Load RTC-Clock for example - testing
Wsysday = Sysday()
Print "System Day of " ; Date$ ; " is " ; Wsysday
' Example 2 with defined Clock - Bytes (Day / Month / Year)
Bday = 24 : Bmonth = 5 : Byear = 8
Wsysday = Sysday(bday)
Print "System Day of Day=" ; Bday ; " Month=" ; Bmonth ; " Year=" ; Byear ; " (" ; Date(bday) ; ") is " ; Wsysday
' Example 3 with Date - String
Strdate = "04-10-29"
Wsysday = Sysday(strdate)
Print "System Day of " ; Strdate ; " is " ; Wsysday
' Example 4 with System Second
Lsyssec = 123456789
Wsysday = Sysday(lsyssec)
Print "System Day of System Second " ; Lsyssec ; " (" ; Date(lsyssec) ; ") is " ; Wsysday
' =================== Time ================================================
' Example 1: Converting defined Clock - Bytes (Second / Minute / Hour) to Time - String
Bsec = 20 : Bmin = 1 : Bhour = 7
Strtime = Time(bsec)
Print "Time values: Sec=" ; Bsec ; " Min=" ; Bmin ; " Hour=" ; Bhour ; " converted to string " ; Strtime
' Example 2: Converting System Second to Time - String
Lsyssec = 123456789
Strtime = Time(lsyssec)
Print "Time of Systemsecond " ; Lsyssec ; " is " ; Strtime
' Example 3: Converting Second of Day to Time - String
Lsecofday = 12345
Strtime = Time(lsecofday)
Print "Time of Second of Day " ; Lsecofday ; " is " ; Strtime
' Example 4: Converting System Second to defined Clock - Bytes (Second / Minute / Hour)
Lsyssec = 123456789
Bsec = Time(lsyssec)
Print "System Second " ; Lsyssec ; " converted to Sec=" ; Bsec ; " Min=" ; Bmin ; " Hour=" ; Bhour ; " (" ; Time(lsyssec) ; ")"
' Example 5: Converting Second of Day to defined Clock - Bytes (Second / Minute / Hour)
Lsecofday = 12345
Bsec = Time(lsecofday)
Print "Second of Day " ; Lsecofday ; " converted to Sec=" ; Bsec ; " Min=" ; Bmin ; " Hour=" ; Bhour ; " (" ; Time(lsecofday) ; ")"
' Example 6: Converting Time-string to defined Clock - Bytes (Second / Minute / Hour)
Strtime = "07:33:12"
Bsec = Time(strtime)
Print "Time " ; Strtime ; " converted to Sec=" ; Bsec ; " Min=" ; Bmin ; " Hour=" ; Bhour
' ============================= Date ==========================================
' Example 1: Converting defined Clock - Bytes (Day / Month / Year) to Date - String
Bday = 29 : Bmonth = 4 : Byear = 12
Strdate = Date(bday)
Print "Dat values: Day=" ; Bday ; " Month=" ; Bmonth ; " Year=" ; Byear ; " converted to string " ; Strdate
' Example 2: Converting from System Day to Date - String
Wsysday = 1234
Strdate = Date(wsysday)
Print "System Day " ; Wsysday ; " is " ; Strdate
' Example 3: Converting from System Second to Date String
Lsyssec = 123456789
Strdate = Date(lsyssec)
Print "System Second " ; Lsyssec ; " is " ; Strdate
' Example 4: Converting SystemDay to defined Clock - Bytes (Day / Month / Year)
Wsysday = 2000
Bday = Date(wsysday)
Print "System Day " ; Wsysday ; " converted to Day=" ; Bday ; " Month=" ; Bmonth ; " Year=" ; Byear ; " (" ; Date(wsysday) ; ")"
' Example 5: Converting Date - String to defined Clock - Bytes (Day / Month / Year)
Strdate = "04-08-31"
Bday = Date(strdate)
Print "Date " ; Strdate ; " converted to Day=" ; Bday ; " Month=" ; Bmonth ; " Year=" ; Byear
' Example 6: Converting System Second to defined Clock - Bytes (Day / Month / Year)
Lsyssec = 123456789
Bday = Date(lsyssec)
Print "System Second " ; Lsyssec ; " converted to Day=" ; Bday ; " Month=" ; Bmonth ; " Year=" ; Byear ; " (" ; Date(lsyssec) ; ")"
' ================ Second of Day elapsed
Lsecofday = Secofday()
_hour = _hour + 1
Lvar1 = Secelapsed(lsecofday)
Print Lvar1
Lsyssec = Syssec()
_day = _day + 1
Lvar1 = Syssecelapsed(lsyssec)
Print Lvar1
' Initialising for testing
_day = 1
_month = 1
_year = 1
_sec = 12
_min = 13
_hour = 14
If _year > 50 Then
Exit Do
End If
_sec = _sec + 7
If _sec > 59 Then
Incr _min
_sec = _sec - 60
End If
_min = _min + 2
If _min > 59 Then
Incr _hour
_min = _min - 60
End If
_hour = _hour + 1
If _hour > 23 Then
Incr _day
_hour = _hour - 24
End If
_day = _day + 1
If _day > 28 Then
Select Case _month
Case 1
Mday = 31
Case 2
Mday = _year And &H03
If Mday = 0 Then
Mday = 29
Mday = 28
End If
Case 3
Mday = 31
Case 4
Mday = 30
Case 5
Mday = 31
Case 6
Mday = 30
Case 7
Mday = 31
Case 8
Mday = 31
Case 9
Mday = 30
Case 10
Mday = 31
Case 11
Mday = 30
Case 12
Mday = 31
End Select
If _day > Mday Then
_day = _day - Mday
Incr _month
If _month > 12 Then
_month = 1
Incr _year
End If
End If
End If
If _year > 99 Then
Exit Do
End If
Lsecofday = Secofday()
Lsyssec = Syssec()
Bweekday = Dayofweek()
Wdayofyear = Dayofyear()
Wsysday = Sysday()
Print Time$ ; " " ; Date$ ; " " ; Lsecofday ; " " ; Lsyssec ; " " ; Bweekday ; " " ; Wdayofyear ; " " ; Wsysday
'only when we use I2C for the clock we need to set the clock date time
#if Clockmode = 0
'called from datetime.lib
Dim Weekday As Byte
I2cstart ' Generate start code
I2cwbyte Ds1307w ' send address
I2cwbyte 0 ' start address in 1307
I2cstart ' Generate start code
I2cwbyte Ds1307r ' send address
I2crbyte _sec , Ack
I2crbyte _min , Ack ' MINUTES
I2crbyte _hour , Ack ' Hours
I2crbyte Weekday , Ack ' Day of Week
I2crbyte _day , Ack ' Day of Month
I2crbyte _month , Ack ' Month of Year
I2crbyte _year , Nack ' Year
_sec = Makedec(_sec) : _min = Makedec(_min) : _hour = Makedec(_hour)
_day = Makedec(_day) : _month = Makedec(_month) : _year = Makedec(_year)
_day = Makebcd(_day) : _month = Makebcd(_month) : _year = Makebcd(_year)
I2cstart ' Generate start code
I2cwbyte Ds1307w ' send address
I2cwbyte 4 ' starting address in 1307
I2cwbyte _day ' Send Data to SECONDS
I2cwbyte _month ' MINUTES
I2cwbyte _year ' Hours
_sec = Makebcd(_sec) : _min = Makebcd(_min) : _hour = Makebcd(_hour)
I2cstart ' Generate start code
I2cwbyte Ds1307w ' send address
I2cwbyte 0 ' starting address in 1307
I2cwbyte _sec ' Send Data to SECONDS
I2cwbyte _min ' MINUTES
I2cwbyte _hour ' Hours
Data "Monday" , "Tuesday" , "Wednesday" , "Thursday" , "Friday" , "Saturday" , "Sunday"