Returns a date-value (String or 3 Bytes for Day, Month and Year) depending of the data type of the Target
bDayMonthYear = Date(lSysSec)
bDayMonthYear = Date(lSysDay)
bDayMonthYear = Date(strDate)
strDate = Date(lSysSec)
strDate = Date(lSysDay)
strDate = Date(bDayMonthYear)
StrDate |
A Date-String in the format specified in the CONFIG DATE statement |
LsysSec |
A LONG – variable which holds the System Second (SysSec = TimeStamp) |
LsysDay |
A WORD – variable, which holds then System Day (SysDay) |
BDayMonthYear |
A BYTE – variable, which holds Days, followed by Month (Byte) and Year (Byte). You can use a byte array, or 3 bytes dimensioned after each other. |
Converting to String:
The target string must have a length of at least 8 Bytes, otherwise SRAM after the target-string will be overwritten.
Converting to Soft clock date format (3 Bytes for Day, Month and Year):
Three Bytes for Day, Month and Year must follow each other in SRAM. The variable-name of the first Byte, the one for Day must be passed to the function.
See also
Date and Time Routines , DAYOFYEAR, SYSDAY
'name : datetime_test1,bas
'copyright : (c) 1995-2021, MCS Electronics
'purpose : show how to use the Date-Time routines from the DateTime.Lib
'micro : Mega103
'suited for demo : no
'commercial addon needed : no
$regfile = "m103def.dat" ' specify the used micro
$crystal = 4000000 ' used crystal frequency
$baud = 19200 ' use baud rate
$hwstack = 32 ' default use 32 for the hardware stack
$swstack = 10 ' default use 10 for the SW stack
$framesize = 40 ' default use 40 for the frame space
Const Clockmode = 1
'use i2c for the clock
#if Clockmode = 1
Config Clock = Soft ' we use build in clock
Disable Interrupts
Config Clock = User ' we use I2C for the clock
'configure the scl and sda pins
Config Sda = Portd.6
Config Scl = Portd.5
'address of ds1307
Const Ds1307w = &HD0 ' Addresses of Ds1307 clock
Const Ds1307r = &HD1
'configure the date format
Config Date = Ymd , Separator = - ' ANSI-Format
'This sample does not have the clock started so interrupts are not enabled
' Enable Interrupts
'dim the used variables
Dim Lvar1 As Long
Dim Mday As Byte
Dim Bweekday As Byte , Strweekday As String * 10
Dim Strdate As String * 8
Dim Strtime As String * 8
Dim Bsec As Byte , Bmin As Byte , Bhour As Byte
Dim Bday As Byte , Bmonth As Byte , Byear As Byte
Dim Lsecofday As Long
Dim Wsysday As Word
Dim Lsyssec As Long
Dim Wdayofyear As Word
' =================== DayOfWeek =============================================
' Example 1 with internal RTC-Clock
_day = 4 : _month = 11 : _year = 2 ' Load RTC-Clock for example - testing
Bweekday = Dayofweek()
Strweekday = Lookupstr(bweekday , Weekdays)
Print "Weekday-Number of " ; Date$ ; " is " ; Bweekday ; " = " ; Strweekday
' Example 2 with defined Clock - Bytes (Day / Month / Year)
Bday = 26 : Bmonth = 11 : Byear = 2
Bweekday = Dayofweek(bday)
Strweekday = Lookupstr(bweekday , Weekdays)
Strdate = Date(bday)
Print "Weekday-Number of Day=" ; Bday ; " Month=" ; Bmonth ; " Year=" ; Byear ; " is " ; Bweekday ; " (" ; Date(bday) ; ") = " ; Strweekday
' Example 3 with System Day
Wsysday = 2000 ' that is 2005-06-23
Bweekday = Dayofweek(wsysday)
Strweekday = Lookupstr(bweekday , Weekdays)
Print "Weekday-Number of System Day " ; Wsysday ; " (" ; Date(wsysday) ; ") is " ; Bweekday ; " = " ; Strweekday
' Example 4 with System Second
Lsyssec = 123456789 ' that is 2003-11-29 at 21:33:09
Bweekday = Dayofweek(lsyssec)
Strweekday = Lookupstr(bweekday , Weekdays)
Print "Weekday-Number of System Second " ; Lsyssec ; " (" ; Date(lsyssec) ; ") is " ; Bweekday ; " = " ; Strweekday
' Example 5 with Date-String
Strdate = "04-11-02" ' we have configured Date in ANSI
Bweekday = Dayofweek(strdate)
Strweekday = Lookupstr(bweekday , Weekdays)
Print "Weekday-Number of " ; Strdate ; " is " ; Bweekday ; " = " ; Strweekday
' ================= Second of Day =============================================
' Example 1 with internal RTC-Clock
_sec = 12 : _min = 30 : _hour = 18 ' Load RTC-Clock for example - testing
Lsecofday = Secofday()
Print "Second of Day of " ; Time$ ; " is " ; Lsecofday
' Example 2 with defined Clock - Bytes (Second / Minute / Hour)
Bsec = 20 : Bmin = 1 : Bhour = 7
Lsecofday = Secofday(bsec)
Print "Second of Day of Sec=" ; Bsec ; " Min=" ; Bmin ; " Hour=" ; Bhour ; " (" ; Time(bsec) ; ") is " ; Lsecofday
' Example 3 with System Second
Lsyssec = 1234456789
Lsecofday = Secofday(lsyssec)
Print "Second of Day of System Second " ; Lsyssec ; "(" ; Time(lsyssec) ; ") is " ; Lsecofday
' Example 4 with Time - String
Strtime = "04:58:37"
Lsecofday = Secofday(strtime)
Print "Second of Day of " ; Strtime ; " is " ; Lsecofday
' ================== System Second ============================================
' Example 1 with internal RTC-Clock
' Load RTC-Clock for example - testing
_sec = 17 : _min = 35 : _hour = 8 : _day = 16 : _month = 4 : _year = 3
Lsyssec = Syssec()
Print "System Second of " ; Time$ ; " at " ; Date$ ; " is " ; Lsyssec
' Example 2 with with defined Clock - Bytes (Second, Minute, Hour, Day / Month / Year)
Bsec = 20 : Bmin = 1 : Bhour = 7 : Bday = 22 : Bmonth = 12 : Byear = 1
Lsyssec = Syssec(bsec)
Strtime = Time(bsec)
Strdate = Date(bday)
Print "System Second of " ; Strtime ; " at " ; Strdate ; " is " ; Lsyssec
' Example 3 with System Day
Wsysday = 2000
Lsyssec = Syssec(wsysday)
Print "System Second of System Day " ; Wsysday ; " (" ; Date(wsysday) ; " 00:00:00) is " ; Lsyssec
' Example 4 with Time and Date String
Strtime = "10:23:50"
Strdate = "02-11-29" ' ANSI-Date
Lsyssec = Syssec(strtime , Strdate)
Print "System Second of " ; Strtime ; " at " ; Strdate ; " is " ; Lsyssec ' 91880630
' ==================== Day Of Year =========================================
' Example 1 with internal RTC-Clock
_day = 20 : _month = 11 : _year = 2 ' Load RTC-Clock for example - testing
Wdayofyear = Dayofyear()
Print "Day Of Year of " ; Date$ ; " is " ; Wdayofyear
' Example 2 with defined Clock - Bytes (Day / Month / Year)
Bday = 24 : Bmonth = 5 : Byear = 8
Wdayofyear = Dayofyear(bday)
Print "Day Of Year of Day=" ; Bday ; " Month=" ; Bmonth ; " Year=" ; Byear ; " (" ; Date(bday) ; ") is " ; Wdayofyear
' Example 3 with Date - String
Strdate = "04-10-29" ' we have configured ANSI Format
Wdayofyear = Dayofyear(strdate)
Print "Day Of Year of " ; Strdate ; " is " ; Wdayofyear
' Example 4 with System Second
Lsyssec = 123456789
Wdayofyear = Dayofyear(lsyssec)
Print "Day Of Year of System Second " ; Lsyssec ; " (" ; Date(lsyssec) ; ") is " ; Wdayofyear
' Example 5 with System Day
Wsysday = 3000
Wdayofyear = Dayofyear(wsysday)
Print "Day Of Year of System Day " ; Wsysday ; " (" ; Date(wsysday) ; ") is " ; Wdayofyear
' =================== System Day ======================================
' Example 1 with internal RTC-Clock
_day = 20 : _month = 11 : _year = 2 ' Load RTC-Clock for example - testing
Wsysday = Sysday()
Print "System Day of " ; Date$ ; " is " ; Wsysday
' Example 2 with defined Clock - Bytes (Day / Month / Year)
Bday = 24 : Bmonth = 5 : Byear = 8
Wsysday = Sysday(bday)
Print "System Day of Day=" ; Bday ; " Month=" ; Bmonth ; " Year=" ; Byear ; " (" ; Date(bday) ; ") is " ; Wsysday
' Example 3 with Date - String
Strdate = "04-10-29"
Wsysday = Sysday(strdate)
Print "System Day of " ; Strdate ; " is " ; Wsysday
' Example 4 with System Second
Lsyssec = 123456789
Wsysday = Sysday(lsyssec)
Print "System Day of System Second " ; Lsyssec ; " (" ; Date(lsyssec) ; ") is " ; Wsysday
' =================== Time ================================================
' Example 1: Converting defined Clock - Bytes (Second / Minute / Hour) to Time - String
Bsec = 20 : Bmin = 1 : Bhour = 7
Strtime = Time(bsec)
Print "Time values: Sec=" ; Bsec ; " Min=" ; Bmin ; " Hour=" ; Bhour ; " converted to string " ; Strtime
' Example 2: Converting System Second to Time - String
Lsyssec = 123456789
Strtime = Time(lsyssec)
Print "Time of Systemsecond " ; Lsyssec ; " is " ; Strtime
' Example 3: Converting Second of Day to Time - String
Lsecofday = 12345
Strtime = Time(lsecofday)
Print "Time of Second of Day " ; Lsecofday ; " is " ; Strtime
' Example 4: Converting System Second to defined Clock - Bytes (Second / Minute / Hour)
Lsyssec = 123456789
Bsec = Time(lsyssec)
Print "System Second " ; Lsyssec ; " converted to Sec=" ; Bsec ; " Min=" ; Bmin ; " Hour=" ; Bhour ; " (" ; Time(lsyssec) ; ")"
' Example 5: Converting Second of Day to defined Clock - Bytes (Second / Minute / Hour)
Lsecofday = 12345
Bsec = Time(lsecofday)
Print "Second of Day " ; Lsecofday ; " converted to Sec=" ; Bsec ; " Min=" ; Bmin ; " Hour=" ; Bhour ; " (" ; Time(lsecofday) ; ")"
' Example 6: Converting Time-string to defined Clock - Bytes (Second / Minute / Hour)
Strtime = "07:33:12"
Bsec = Time(strtime)
Print "Time " ; Strtime ; " converted to Sec=" ; Bsec ; " Min=" ; Bmin ; " Hour=" ; Bhour
' ============================= Date ==========================================
' Example 1: Converting defined Clock - Bytes (Day / Month / Year) to Date - String
Bday = 29 : Bmonth = 4 : Byear = 12
Strdate = Date(bday)
Print "Dat values: Day=" ; Bday ; " Month=" ; Bmonth ; " Year=" ; Byear ; " converted to string " ; Strdate
' Example 2: Converting from System Day to Date - String
Wsysday = 1234
Strdate = Date(wsysday)
Print "System Day " ; Wsysday ; " is " ; Strdate
' Example 3: Converting from System Second to Date String
Lsyssec = 123456789
Strdate = Date(lsyssec)
Print "System Second " ; Lsyssec ; " is " ; Strdate
' Example 4: Converting SystemDay to defined Clock - Bytes (Day / Month / Year)
Wsysday = 2000
Bday = Date(wsysday)
Print "System Day " ; Wsysday ; " converted to Day=" ; Bday ; " Month=" ; Bmonth ; " Year=" ; Byear ; " (" ; Date(wsysday) ; ")"
' Example 5: Converting Date - String to defined Clock - Bytes (Day / Month / Year)
Strdate = "04-08-31"
Bday = Date(strdate)
Print "Date " ; Strdate ; " converted to Day=" ; Bday ; " Month=" ; Bmonth ; " Year=" ; Byear
' Example 6: Converting System Second to defined Clock - Bytes (Day / Month / Year)
Lsyssec = 123456789
Bday = Date(lsyssec)
Print "System Second " ; Lsyssec ; " converted to Day=" ; Bday ; " Month=" ; Bmonth ; " Year=" ; Byear ; " (" ; Date(lsyssec) ; ")"
' ================ Second of Day elapsed
Lsecofday = Secofday()
_hour = _hour + 1
Lvar1 = Secelapsed(lsecofday)
Print Lvar1
Lsyssec = Syssec()
_day = _day + 1
Lvar1 = Syssecelapsed(lsyssec)
Print Lvar1
' Initialising for testing
_day = 1
_month = 1
_year = 1
_sec = 12
_min = 13
_hour = 14
If _year > 50 Then
Exit Do
End If
_sec = _sec + 7
If _sec > 59 Then
Incr _min
_sec = _sec - 60
End If
_min = _min + 2
If _min > 59 Then
Incr _hour
_min = _min - 60
End If
_hour = _hour + 1
If _hour > 23 Then
Incr _day
_hour = _hour - 24
End If
_day = _day + 1
If _day > 28 Then
Select Case _month
Case 1
Mday = 31
Case 2
Mday = _year And &H03
If Mday = 0 Then
Mday = 29
Mday = 28
End If
Case 3
Mday = 31
Case 4
Mday = 30
Case 5
Mday = 31
Case 6
Mday = 30
Case 7
Mday = 31
Case 8
Mday = 31
Case 9
Mday = 30
Case 10
Mday = 31
Case 11
Mday = 30
Case 12
Mday = 31
End Select
If _day > Mday Then
_day = _day - Mday
Incr _month
If _month > 12 Then
_month = 1
Incr _year
End If
End If
End If
If _year > 99 Then
Exit Do
End If
Lsecofday = Secofday()
Lsyssec = Syssec()
Bweekday = Dayofweek()
Wdayofyear = Dayofyear()
Wsysday = Sysday()
Print Time$ ; " " ; Date$ ; " " ; Lsecofday ; " " ; Lsyssec ; " " ; Bweekday ; " " ; Wdayofyear ; " " ; Wsysday
'only when we use I2C for the clock we need to set the clock date time
#if Clockmode = 0
'called from datetime.lib
Dim Weekday As Byte
I2cstart ' Generate start code
I2cwbyte Ds1307w ' send address
I2cwbyte 0 ' start address in 1307
I2cstart ' Generate start code
I2cwbyte Ds1307r ' send address
I2crbyte _sec , Ack
I2crbyte _min , Ack ' MINUTES
I2crbyte _hour , Ack ' Hours
I2crbyte Weekday , Ack ' Day of Week
I2crbyte _day , Ack ' Day of Month
I2crbyte _month , Ack ' Month of Year
I2crbyte _year , Nack ' Year
_sec = Makedec(_sec) : _min = Makedec(_min) : _hour = Makedec(_hour)
_day = Makedec(_day) : _month = Makedec(_month) : _year = Makedec(_year)
_day = Makebcd(_day) : _month = Makebcd(_month) : _year = Makebcd(_year)
I2cstart ' Generate start code
I2cwbyte Ds1307w ' send address
I2cwbyte 4 ' starting address in 1307
I2cwbyte _day ' Send Data to SECONDS
I2cwbyte _month ' MINUTES
I2cwbyte _year ' Hours
_sec = Makebcd(_sec) : _min = Makebcd(_min) : _hour = Makebcd(_hour)
I2cstart ' Generate start code
I2cwbyte Ds1307w ' send address
I2cwbyte 0 ' starting address in 1307
I2cwbyte _sec ' Send Data to SECONDS
I2cwbyte _min ' MINUTES
I2cwbyte _hour ' Hours
Data "Monday" , "Tuesday" , "Wednesday" , "Thursday" , "Friday" , "Saturday" , "Sunday"