Selects the oscillator source for the system clock.
CONFIG SYSCLOCK=sysclock , PRESCALE=prescale , CLOCKOUT=clockOtp, CLOCKOUT_PIN=pinmode
The oscillator used for generation of the system clock. This oscillator must be running. Possible values: - 16_20MHz : internal 20 MHz oscillator or 16 MHz oscillator. This depends on the fuse you set. - 32KHz_INT : internal ultra low power oscillator - 32KHz_EXT : 32 Khz external crystal oscillator - EXTERNAL : external clock |
The Xtiny can divide the oscillator clock with the following values : 1,2,4,8,10,12,16,24,32,48 and 64. |
The Xtiny can route the clock output to a pin. Select ENABLED or DISABLED. Even in input mode the clock signal will be present on the designated pin. But the signal is best when the pin is set to output mode. |
This option will set the CLOCKOUT put pin into output mode. The only possible value is : OUTPUT |
When using the CLOCKOUT option you can either set the output pin yourself into output mode or use the CLOCKOUT_PIN opiont.
Some processors do not have the CLOCKOUT pin. For these processors this option is not present in the DAT files.
See also
'name : serial-osc.bas
'copyright : (c) 1995-2021, MCS Electronics
'purpose : demonstrates USART
'micro : xtiny816
'suited for demo : no
'commercial addon needed : yes
$regfile = "atXtiny816.dat"
$crystal = 20000000
$hwstack = 16
$swstack = 16
$framesize = 24
'set the system clock and prescaler
'the clockout_pin is PB.5
Config Sysclock = 16_20mhz , Prescale = 1 , Clockout = Enabled , Clockout_pin = Output
'configure the USART
'use calibrated offset to compensate the BAUD
Config Com1 = 250000 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Databits = 8 , Stopbits = 1 , Baud_offset = Osc20_5v
Waitms 2000
Print "Test USART"
Dim B As Byte
Print "this is a baud test"
Print Hex(clkctrl_osc20mcaliba)
B = Inkey()
If B = "+" Then
Cpu_ccp = &HD8
Incr Clkctrl_osc20mcaliba
Elseif B = "-" Then
Cpu_ccp = &HD8
Decr Clkctrl_osc20mcaliba
End If
Waitms 500