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Configures the LCD data bus and overrides the compiler setting.




CONFIG LCDBUS = constant





4 for 4-bit operation, 8 for 8-bit mode (default)


Use this statement together with the $LCD = address statement.


When you use the LCD display in the bus mode the default is to connect all the data lines. With the 4-bit mode, you only have to connect data lines d7-d4.



See also






'                 (c) 1995-2021 MCS Electronics


'  file: LCD.BAS





'note : tested in bus mode with 4-bit on the STK200

'LCD   -   STK200


'D4         D4

'D5         D5

'D6         D6

'D7         D7

'WR         WR

'E          E

'RS         RS

'+5V        +5V

'GND        GND

'V0         V0

'   D0-D3 are not connected since 4 bit bus mode is used!



'Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portb.1 , Db5 = Portb.2 , Db6 = Portb.3 , Db7 = Portb.4 , E = Portb.5 , Rs = Portb.6

Rem with the config lcdpin statement you can override the compiler settings


$regfile = "8515def.dat"

$lcd = &HC000

$lcdrs = &H8000

Config Lcdbus = 4


Dim A As Byte

Config Lcd = 16x2                                         'configure lcd screen

'other options are 16 * 2 , 16 * 4 and 20 * 4, 20 * 2 , 16 * 1a

'When you dont include this option 16 * 2 is assumed

'16 * 1a is intended for 16 character displays with split addresses over 2 lines


'$LCD = address will turn LCD into 8-bit databus mode

'       use this with uP with external RAM and/or ROM

'       because it aint need the port pins !


Cls                                                       'clear the LCD display

Lcd "Hello world."                                         'display this at the top line

Wait 1

Lowerline                                                 'select the lower line

Wait 1

Lcd "Shift this."                                         'display this at the lower line

Wait 1

For A = 1 To 10

Shiftlcd Right                                         'shift the text to the right

Wait 1                                                   'wait a moment



For A = 1 To 10

Shiftlcd Left                                           'shift the text to the left

Wait 1                                                   'wait a moment



Locate 2 , 1                                               'set cursor position

Lcd "*"                                                   'display this

Wait 1                                                     'wait a moment


Shiftcursor Right                                         'shift the cursor

Lcd "@"                                                   'display this

Wait 1                                                     'wait a moment


Home Upper                                                 'select line 1 and return home

Lcd "Replaced."                                           'replace the text

Wait 1                                                     'wait a moment


Cursor Off Noblink                                         'hide cursor

Wait 1                                                     'wait a moment

Cursor On Blink                                           'show cursor

Wait 1                                                     'wait a moment

Display Off                                               'turn display off

Wait 1                                                     'wait a moment

Display On                                                 'turn display on

'-----------------NEW support for 4-line LCD------


Lcd "Line 3"


Lcd "Line 4"

Home Third                                                 'goto home on line three

Home Fourth

Home F                                                     'first letteer also works

Locate 4 , 1 : Lcd "Line 4"

Wait 1


'Now lets build a special character

'the first number is the characternumber (0-7)

'The other numbers are the rowvalues

'Use the LCD tool to insert this line


Deflcdchar 1 , 225 , 227 , 226 , 226 , 226 , 242 , 234 , 228       ' replace ? with number (0-7)

Deflcdchar 0 , 240 , 224 , 224 , 255 , 254 , 252 , 248 , 240       ' replace ? with number (0-7)

Cls                                                       'select data RAM

Rem it is important that a CLS is following the deflcdchar statements because it will set the controller back in datamode

Lcd Chr(0) ; Chr(1)                                       'print the special character


'----------------- Now use an internal routine ------------

_temp1 = 1                                                 'value into ACC

!rCall _write_lcd                                           'put it on LCD