Set the Foreground Color.
CmdFgColor rgb
rgb |
New Foreground color, as a 24-bit RGB number. Red is the most significant 8 bits and Blue is the least. So &Hff0000 is bright Red. Foreground color is applicable for things that the user can move such as handles and buttons. |
See also
' Pseudocode
xOffset = 40
yOffset = 80
' Draw horizontal Toggle bars
CmdBgColor &H800000
CmdFgColor &H410105
CmdToggle xOffset, yOffset, 30, 27, 0, 65535, "-ve" + gap + "+ve"
CmdFgColor &H0b0721
CmdBgColor &H000080
' The top scrollbar uses the default foreground color, the others with a changed color
CmdScrollBar 20, 30, 120, 8, 0, 10, 40, 100
CmdFgColor &H703800
CmdScrollBar 20, 60, 120, 8, 0, 30, 40,100
CmdFgColor &H387000
CmdScrollBar 20, 90, 120, 8, 0, 50, 40, 100