This statement will send a word to the FT800 graphic processor.
CMD16 prm
CMD16 expects a numeric parameter. It will call the _cmd16 assembled code in FT800.LIB
See also
CMD8 , CMD32 , WR8 , WR16 , WR32
Sub Cmdprogress(bystack X As Integer , Bystack Y As Integer , Bystack W As Integer , Bystack H As Integer , Bystack Options As Word , Bystack Value As Word , Bystack Range As Word)
' Draws a Progress Bar
' Options Are
' OPT_3D = 0
Cmd32 Cmd_progress
cmdftstack 14
Cmd16 &H0000
' was a total of 18 bytes, to align with 4byte boundary it had to be offset of 20
End Sub