Create label address.
ADR label
ADR2 label
label |
The name of a label. |
The AVR uses WORD addresses. ADR will create the word address. To find a byte in memory, you need to multiply by 2. For this purpose ADR2 is available. It will create the address of the label multiplied by 2.
Using ADR2 you can use tables. The sample program demonstrates this together with some more advanced ASM code.
The sample includes ADR2.LIB. This lib contains a special version of _MoveConst2String .
The normal routine in MCS.LIB will stop printing once a null byte (zero) is encountered that indicates the end of a string.
But for the sample program, we may not change the address, so the address is restored when the null byte is found.
See Also
' This is an example of how to create an interactive menu system supporting
' sub-menus and support routines using the !ADR and !ADR2 statements
$regfile = "M644def.dat"
$crystal = 8000000
$hwstack = 64 ' specify the hardware stack depth
$swstack = 64 ' specify the software stack depth
$framesize = 64 ' specify the framesize (local stack depth)
$lib "adr2.lib"
Dim Menupointer As Word
Dim Actionpointer As Word
Dim Entries As Byte
Dim Dummy As Byte
Dim Message As String * 32
Dim Local1 As Byte
Dim Local_loop1 As Byte
Const Menu_id = &HAA ' sub-menu ID byte
Const Routine_id = &H55 ' service routine ID byte
Restore Main_menu ' point to the start of the 'main' menu
! sts {MenuPointer}, R8 ' }
! sts {MenuPointer + 1}, R9 ' } store the pointer to the start of the menu
! lds R8, {MenuPointer} ' }
! lds R9, {MenuPointer + 1} ' } restore the pointer to the start of the menu
Read Entries ' get the number of entries in the menu including the title
For Local_loop1 = 1 To Entries
Read Message ' read the message
Print Message ' send it to the console
Read Dataptr ' get the pointer to the menu's action table
! sts {ActionPointer}, R8 ' }
! sts {ActionPointer + 1}, R9 ' } store the pointer to the start of the menu's action list
Input "Entry ? " , Local1 ' ask the user which menu entry
If Local1 = 0 Then ' is it valid ?
Goto Display_new_menu ' if not, re-display the menu
End If
If Local1 => Entries Then ' is it valid ?
Goto Display_new_menu ' if not, re-display the menu
End If
! lds R8,{ActionPointer} ' }
! lds R9,{ActionPointer + 1} ' } restore the pointer to the menu's action list
If Local1 <> 1 Then
For Local_loop1 = 2 To Local1 '
! ldI R30,4 ' }
! clr R1 ' }
! add R8,R30 ' }
! adc R9,R1 ' }
Next ' } calculate the location of the selected entry's function ID
End If
Read Local1 ' get the menu entry's function ID
Read Dummy ' to handle the uP expecting WORDS in DATA statements
If Local1 = Menu_id Then ' did the user select an entry that points to another menu ?
Read Dataptr
! sts {MenuPointer}, R8 ' }
! sts {MenuPointer + 1}, R9 ' } store the start of the menu
Goto Display_new_menu
End If
Read Dataptr ' get the address of this entry's support routine
! movw R30,R8
! icall ' pass control to the entry's support routine
Goto Display_new_menu ' re-display the last menu displayed
' Test support routines
Print "You asked to print 'Hello'" ' confirmation that Menu Entry 3 was selected
Print "You selected Entry 1 of the 2nd menu" ' confirmation that Menu Entry 1 was selected
Print "You selected Entry 2 of the 2nd menu" ' confirmation that Menu Entry 2 was selected
Print "You selected Entry 1 of the 3rd menu" ' confirmation that Menu Entry 1 was selected
Print "You selected Entry 2 of the 3rd menu" ' confirmation the Menu Entry 2 was selected
' Data Statements
' Main Menu
Data 4 ' number of entries in the menu including title
Data "MAIN MENU" ' } menu title
Data "1. Go to Menu 2" ' } 1st menu entry
Data "2. Go to Menu 3" ' } 2nd menu entry
Data "3. Print 'Hello' message" ' } 3rd menu entry
Adr2 Mainmenu_supporttable ' point to this menu support table
Data Menu_id ' identify this menu entry as a menu
Adr2 Second_menu ' address of next menu
Data Menu_id ' identify this menu entry as a menu
Adr2 Third_menu ' address of next menu
Data Routine_id ' identify this menu entry as support routine
Adr Hello_message ' address of the support routine
' Second Menu
Data 4 ' number of entries in the menu
Data "SECOND MENU" ' } menu title
Data "1. 2nd Menu Entry #1" ' } 1st menu entry
Data "2. 2nd Menu Entry #2" ' } 2nd menu entry
Data "3. Go to previous menu" ' } 3rd menu entry
Adr2 Secondmenu_supporttable ' point to this menu support table
Data Routine_id ' identify this menu entry as a support routine
Adr 2nd_menu_1st_entry_routine ' support routine for 1st menu entry
Data Routine_id ' identify this menu entry as a support routine
Adr 2nd_menu_2nd_entry_routine ' support routine for 2nd menu entry
Data Menu_id ' identify this menu entry as a menu
Adr2 Main_menu ' support routine for 3rd menu entry
' Third Menu
Data 4 ' number of entries in the menu
Data "THIRD MENU" ' } menu title
Data "1. 3rd Menu Entry #1" ' } 1st menu entry
Data "2. 3rd Menu Entry #2" ' } 2nd menu entry
Data "3. Go to previous menu" ' } 3rd menu entry
Adr2 Thirdmenu_supporttable ' point to this menu support table
Data Routine_id ' identify this menu entry as a support routine
Adr 3rd_menu_1st_entry_routine ' support routine for 1st menu entry
Data Routine_id ' identify this menu entry as a support routine
Adr 3rd_menu_2nd_entry_routine ' support routine for 2nd menu entry
Data Menu_id ' identify this menu entry as a menu
Adr2 Main_menu ' support routine for 3rd menu entry