This information has been provided by Electronic Design Bitzer.
Some XMEGA processors have an EBI. The following circuit shows how to set up the EBI for 8 bit bus mode where the SRAM can be selected with a jumper.
128 KB SM621008VLLP70T : SRAM LLPow 3,3V 128Kx8 70ns TSOP32(I)
512 KB SM624008VLLP70M : SRAM LLPow 3,3V 512Kx8 70ns SOP32
The BASCOM setup code :
' All EBI-Ports must be set to OUTPUT
' All Ports, ACTIVE-LOW , must be set to 1 !!!
' All Ports, ACTIVE-HIGH, must be set to 0 !!!
Porth_dirset = &B1111_1111 : Porth = &B1111_0011 'WR, RD, ALE1, ALE2, CS0-3 = output : ALE1 & 2 auf 0 !!!
Portj_dirset = &B1111_1111 : Portj = &B1111_1111
Portk_dirset = &B1111_1111 : Portk = &B1111_1111
Config Xram = 3port , Ale = Ale12 , Sdbus = 8 , Modesel0 = Sram , Adrsize0 = 256b , Waitstate0 = 4 , Baseadr0 = &H10000 , _
Modesel1 = Sram , Adrsize1 = 128k , Waitstate1 = 1 , Baseadr1 = &H20000
See also : CONFIG XRAM